
Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Weekly Update - 22.02.10 - 28.02.10


3 x squad
4 x non-squad
1 x sea swim


28 swims in February - CHECK. Managed to squeeze in a double swim this week to make up for last weeks missed one. Not sure if this has made me a better swimmer or not, my times in the pool aren't really different but maybe my endurance has improved. Heres hoping anyway. Maybe the next challenge should be swim 100km in a month?!? Think I will wait a while for that, don't think the inside of my nose appreciated the onslaught of chlorine and chemicals this month.
There was a tsunami warning after the Chile earthquake when we were planning our sea swim but no-one at the beach seemed to be particularly concerned about it so thought we would risk it.

What tsunami????!!


Time: ~12hrs
Distance: ~310km

I accidentally cleared my bike computer before I could see the weeks total so it was something around there. I am doing a 3 week locum stint in Albany so my bike training has been reduced to 4 days from 7. But my week day rides are potentially longer so my overall training time shouldn't be too much less.
We did some hill reps up a new hill in the weekend which was good, although I am still TapTap-less and therefore am a bit lost with efforts.

Hello Whitford.


Time: 1hr42
Distance: 21km

Good week this week with basically no pain in the leg at all, YESSSSSSSS. Did my longest run so far of 43mins and will build on that for the next few weeks. The rest of the runs were just easy 20min jogs, running on grass as much as I can. Since the leggie is feeling good I decided to enter Auckland Half Ironman which is on the 20th of March, so need to run over an hour next weekend. I doubt it will my fastest half marathon split but I think just being able to run it will be an achievement.

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