Squad x 2
Non-squad x 1
Good week of swimming this week despite the lack of changing rooms. Did a couple of nasty 100m and 200m TT's as well as a max heart rate set. I've never taken my HR with swimming before and thought it would be higher, it was around 155-160pbm for a set of 100's and 66's. The biggest challenge was trying to times my 15sec HR by 4 to get it for a minute, not so easy to do after swimming hard and having more blood in my arms and legs than in my brain.
Time: 10hrs52
Distance: 262km
A bit light on the riding this week with no long ride due to the Taupo half marathon on Sunday. Ended up riding halfway around the airport with the Mechanics Bays bunch on Saturday which was fast and furious at times. Ended up having to run a few red lights to keep up which isn't ideal but managed to stay upright which is good news. Riding with a big bunch like that makes me see some of the reasons why cars hate cyclists...
Time: 3hrs45
Distance: ~50km
Finished up the week with the Taupo Half Marathon which is a race I hadn't done before but goes on part of the IMNZ course. I did a 3x1mile track session on Wednesday and tried to lock in 4min/km pace because that is what I wanted to run in the weekend to give me an overall time of under 85mins.
The course is pretty much flat out and back but a slightly different way on the way back going over a few fields and a lake side track so it was always going to be slightly slower on the return leg.
I started out running with my friend LTH who I thought would do a good time and there was no km markers until 5km so I trusted her to pace me well. We went through the first 5km in 19min30 which was way faster than I expected but it seemed comfortable so I figured I'd just roll with it. I was in 2nd place at the turn around and got through the 1st 10km in 39.48 which is a 10km PB - HA! Once I had turned around I realized why the first half was so easy - now I was faced with a solid headwind for the whole return trip. The off-road section didn't help, there was quite a narrow track but it was certainly a lot harder to run on than the road plus being close to the lake and more exposed to the wind. Ended up slipping into 4th place by 15km and just plodded home to finish in 88.42 which was a bit far off what I was hoping.
I was about 4.5mins slower on the way back which I thought was pretty bad but after an analysis of the results it seems 4.5mins was the average slow down rate, although it would have been a bit less for the top half of the field so I was a bit slower compared to the people I was running with. So a bit disappointing but not too much of a biggie. I wondered if I had gone out too hard but don't think I would have gone much faster on the way back even if I had have gone a bit easier on the way out.
There were mixed results for the rest of the team. J-Rad showed that it could be a fast course and did a PB; Davo, Nick and Two Piece didn't have the runs they were hoping for, Two Piece however showed the best pacing with only about 1min30 difference between her first and second lap, and Jess had a good run coming off some sickness.

Having a bit of a mid-race chat? Maybe Davo is telling J-Rad he is about to blow up after 5km

Everyone else is running but I am leaping/prancing

Feeling a bit over the headwind which is causing some wayward hair action
So next week will be somewhat of a rest week (whats that?!) during the week then back into the long stuff for the weekend and for the next 4 weeks after that leading up to IMMOO.
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