Squad x 2
Non-squad x 1
Did my long swim on Monday with no probs (except not being allowed spa time afterwards...). I'm beginning to prepare myself for the very real possibility that Wisconsin may be non-wetsuit (maybe just for Pro's) and since it will be after 1st Sept my Blue Seventy Muppet PZ3 won't be legal. I can't really afford to buy anything new at the moment and there is a good chance that a B70 textile PZ3 won't be made in time so I tested out a brand new Orca 226 trisuit that I had at home to wear over my race kit. It seemed to be ok, didn't feeling like it was dragging or anything and I was able to do a set of 15 x 100m leaving on 1.30 (with paddles...) which is pretty good for me. But hopefully the water temperature will drop between now and Sept the 12 so I can wear my trusty Helix Muppet-suit. I need all the protection I can get between me and the SNAKES which swim in Lake Monona. Thats right there are snakes in the lake and the biggest reported one is between 4 and 5 feet...
Time: 15hrs49
Distance: 387km
Nothing too exciting this week, did 5.5hrs on Sunday but only about the same distance as my 5.25hr ride the week before due to some nasty wind and rain. I got some new LG tri shoes a few weeks ago and managed to get my A into G to actually change my cleat over and use them. They are a bit of a weird fit - really roomy in the toes but quite tight over the midfoot but with a few orthotic adjustments I think I have got them right. And they look so white and pretty...
Time: 4hrs51
Distance: ~60km
About the same time and distance as last week, my Saturday run was a wee bit longer but I ran a bit less on the track so it evened out. I got some new shoes this week, I have always wanted to try Brooks Adrenaline because most people who use them rave about them but they never went small enough. So I was very excited to discover they now do a junior version which is available in NZ. So I got me a pair of them and wore them for my Sunday run. They felt pretty good, they should be more stable than my adidas Supernova Sequence which is what I need. They need a bit of wearing in and rubbed off a patch of skin on a bony part of my midfoot but I have a bit of time to get used to them.
Ouchies and I don't have kankles its a bad camera angle...
Bad weather threatening to derail my track session
Lots of rain as I huddle under the clubhouse
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