Squads x 2
Non-squad swim x 1
Finally made it to a new squad just down the road. We started with a bit of a weird kick set with fins which I wasn't too keen on but the rest was pretty good. And I managed to get a six month pass for only a little bit more than what I was spending for the Teps so its all G.
Time: 11hrs32
Distance: 272km
Slowly getting the bike mojo back, the weather this week was pretty poo so had to use the dreaded windtrainer a couple of times. Still haven't done any long rides (3hrs+) but am building up to it.
Windtrainer central with Bruce on the TV
Time: 4hrs03
Distance: ~50km
Did my second track session this week which went well (well as in the track was open and I was able to use it, not like I was fast). Did some shorter stuff compared with last time to get the leggies moving a bit quicker and it wasn't entirely pleasant but hopefully it will be good for me. Longest run this week was 84mins so will build over the few weeks then stick at 2hrs for a while until I get a bit closer to Ironman.
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