4 x swims
Had pretty wasted legs after Huntly Half so Monday's swim was a bit of a pootle then lots of spa time. Had a good swim in the weekend with a few others in Taupo (in the pool) like our own little squad. We had a program to follow and it was great having people I could actually swim with. Will hopefully be trying out a squad next week.
Time: 9hrs59
Distance: 254km
Bike volume still isn't where is should be, the first half of the week was still Huntly recovery mode plus some pretty poo weather. Had a good ride in Kinloch in the weekend but it wasn't quite as long as I was hoping and Sunday was a Te Awamutu club race so things were a bit different to normal. The club race was a 30km points race with 5 sprints and I manged to keep up with C grade which was good news. I wasn't quite there for the sprints but was actually sprint faster than some of the others in my grade which was a bit of a shock.
Had a D&M with my bike program advisors after a few little panics that my biking isn't where it should be. I worked out that I have 15 weeks until my next race (IM Wisconsin) which is a bit longer than I thought it was. So we have a plan so I am feeling much better about it. The hardest part will be training when the weather is yuck over winter and having to carry on by myself when no-one wants to ride 5hrs+. But I'm tough so it won't be a problem
If you get out your magnifying glass you can see the side of my Hot Cycles top next to number 21...
Time: 2hrs58
Distance: ~37km
Didn't end up running until Wednesday when I thought my leggies were back to normal only to have my calves tighten up like nothing I've ever felt before after 5-10mins of running. I did plenty of stretches and tried to massage them and then succumbed to wearing compression socks for my run on Thursday. I've only worn them for recovery and felt like a bit of a tri-geek but didn't get the tightening that I had the day before so maybe they worked (or maybe they would of felt the same without them anyway...). Longest run was only about 11km but will start to build on my 90min training base starting next week.
What I have become
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