
Monday, April 29, 2013

Getting Back on the Wagon

That's right, I am getting back on the wagon in terms of blogging and training.
Coach Poo has given me a bike program to start with so I now have a purpose to my biking.  I am managing my running and have got a good routine going during the week, the weekends are a bit flakey but it is coming together.
I am running a couple of times a week from work and so far have three different sets of trails to run on just a few hundred metres from work which is really quite amazing.  I have just been running out and back since I don't know my way around and most of the trails seem to be point to point but it is way better than running on the road though.  The going is pretty slow (I am a TERRIBLE off road runner) and I must admit that I do get a bit disheartened when my Garmin auto-pauses when I am running up and down hills/stairs...  I am even considering buying some off road shoes since my beautiful ASICS 2000's are getting a bit of a hammering and I would hate for them to get dirty.
I am in the process of getting the Tadpolemator ready to get a makeover and get a new paint job which is quite exciting.  I am not a huge fan of the paint scheme and still feel a bit weird about my bike so a new paint job will do the trick and a good time to do it which I am not riding it.  
Exciting race plans on the horizon - hello Samoa Half Ironman!  I know I made a proclamation awhile back about sticking to age group but I am a sucker for the perks associated with racing Pro... So I am making up the numbers in the Pro field, it doesn't look like it will be a very big field so hopefully I won't disgrace myself too much.  It is about 8 weeks before Kona and is a non-wetsuit swim so will be an ideal build up.  Jared Razzle will be joining me on the start of the Pro field as well as our shadow Kezzle who it seems can't do anything without us (even getting dressed - key evidence of this was his back to front tri top at the ITU AG Worlds last year...).  Still working on my swim skin situation, it is a bit difficult when you are the size of a replica human being to get things to fit sometimes.

I have just been through my camera phone and have no photos to add - opps! Sorry Nick! Better get snapping for the next installment...

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