Swims x 4
Getting a bit more into the no-squad swing of things and managed to get a decent amount done this week. Managed to stick with the 3km M/W/F 3km rule so far. Not much else to report in the swimming department really, I'm hoping the Teps will be opening again soon so we can have our squad back but no-one is sure about it yet.
Time: 13hrs26
Distance: 325km
A bit eager this week and ended up riding everyday. I have been having one day a week off the bike but it was such a nice day on my no-bike day that I couldn't resist since I had most of the day off work.
Redeemed myself from my last attempt at the TT in the weekend with a reasonable ride in terms of power and time. There was new seal on the waterfront which was nice and smooth but had quite a bit of surface water so I think I lost a little bit of time being a bit muppety on the corners.
Nice morning for a TT
Had a top 5 worst weather experience during the week with some of the most torrential rain I have ever ridden in. I was trying to be good and carry on with my efforts but it was starting to get ridiculous (rain and wind) and then the dreaded bouncy feeling at the back tyre started and I discovered my tyre was going down. Luckily I was close to home so had to make an executive decision to put some gas in it (I had 2 cannisters but no hand pump) and hopefully it would get me home. I had to stop half way to use the other cannister and made it home luckily. The next day I was plagued with another puncture then a slowly leaking tube so after spending half of my riding going into different bike stores for air when I got home I located the culprit which was the inner wire/kevlar strip (?) of the tyre was poking out a tiny bit enough to cause teeny tiny puctures in my tube. So sadly I had to say goodbye to that tyre but was glad I solved the mystery puncture problem without wasting any more tubes.
Even the Serottica needs to stop for wees sometimes
Time: 3hrs58
Distance: ~51km
Good solid week this week with 81mins as my longest run. Had a disappointing 5km at O'Hagan's - was trying really hard and came in just over 19mins when I expected it to be 18.50ish. I'm not sure whether I should be worrying about my 5km time or not since its more 20km+ is what I'm really training for. I'm doing Huntly half in a couple of weeks so will see how I go there before I try anything different to get me faster over a short distance. I'm feeling better running for longer now which is good.
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