Squad x 3
Sea swim x 1
Pretty average week on the swimming front, still trying to concentrate on technique with the easy stuff and hopefully it will start to come more naturally. Felt pretty wasted in the pool by Friday after two huge rides during the week, so the sprint sets were a bit of a joke (not that I can really sprint anyway). Sea swim was 500m at the Peoples Tri where I was about 6th out of the water, for once in my life I was actually near the front of the swim so I could even see the leaders WOW!! My 500m time was probably on the faster side of what is normal for me so hopefully that is a good sign for my swimming, I am always quite skeptical of swim distances though so who knows.
Time: 13hrs25
Distance: 342km
The bulk of the volume for this week was in 2 rides - 150km and 133km both split to and from work. The 150km was a double waitak ride which was my dream with working in Albany (how sad is that!) and it wasn't actually too bad. The way back over the Waitaks is harder I think (Swanson -> Titirangi) but still not as bad as West Coast Road. Leggies were feeling a bit wasted on the way back from the 133km day (3rd time over for the week) but a bit of coke, grainwaves and a snickers bar helped to sort that out.
I didn't have high hopes for the Saturday morning TT after those 2 rides but managed to pull out on OK time with reasonable power - yes TapTap has returned!!! The time I did probably would have been a PB a year ago so that puts things into perspective. Also had the Peoples Tri which was 20km which I rode 3mins faster than the last time I did that course so it is good to see that I have improved over time. And I didn't get passed by anyone (boy or girl) which is a bit of a novelty.
My own personal lane over the Greenhithe bridge
Time: 2hrs 10
Distance: 28km
Longest run of 62mins and no pain woo hoo!! Looking good for the impending half this weekend... Now I just have to run 21.1km in 62mins since I know I can run for that long ;)
Did 20.08mins for the 5km at the Peoples Tri which is only about 20sec off what I would usually do there so that was promising, leggie ached for about 15mins after I stopped but think that it must have been a bit of a shock to the system and has been fine since.
So the course this weekend is 3 laps out and back so I will just be taking it one lap at a time and hopefully can get my pacing right so I don't combust with 7km to go...
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