
Friday, August 22, 2014

Samoa Warrior Race

Sometimes life sucks.  Like when you are all excited about heading off overseas in two days time to race a half Ironman in the tropics and then you receive a call on your way to work to say that your little kittycat has been hit by a car and you need to go and retrieve the body.  This is what happened to me the Monday before we were due to leave for Samoa last week.
Who knows what our lovely, snuggly Sigi was even doing near the road (not even our road where about one car goes past every two hours) but luckily the people behind us were kind enough to ring me and look after her body until we could get there.  We were pretty heartbroken and buried her next to her brother who was also taken from us in a tragic accident a few months earlier.
We will miss you Sigi-Martina-Navratilova

Duff-man and Sigi Monster together again
So we set off to Samoa a few days later with very heavy hearts feeling like terrible cat parents and worrying about the remaining pussycat and her wayward habits (think crazy autistic cousin).
Not a good way to start a holiday.  I mean a race.  A race holiday...
This time we arrived in Samoa the most of a day earlier and had friends who had hired a car so actually go to see some the island which we missed out on last year.  9 people and only 5 seats in the car? No worries, just jump in the tray of the ute - island styles.  I have to say I did feel decidedly car sick after a ~1.5hr trip from one side of the island to the other watching the road from behind us.  But we went to a nice beach at Lanumanu and saw lots of the island (wildlife included).
Hello Samoa

Boys in the back

Like a postcard


The fanfare surrounding the race had been scaled down this year in an attempt to save money and I thought it was a good move - it's not a WTC race and doesn't need to try and recreate the hype surrounding one of them.  It is a grassroots race like Auckland Half Ironman or the Rarotonga Tri - no bells and whistles needed.
The race went as I predicted for me racing against two actual Professional triathletes.... The men's race was a bit more interesting with 6 of them on the start line (J-Rad and Kezzle included) and only 4 of them finishing (Kezzle being a DNF doing his usual flake out in the heat thing - was it a migraine? Was it a tummy issue? Was it a tummy issue relating to the giant piece of chocolate cake he ate for dessert the night before the race having not eaten sugar for the last month or more? We'll never know).
Two of my greatest fears for the race were 1) rain and 2) bike mechanical issues, and luckily neither of those eventuated.  I think the roads may have improved since last year and there certainly weren't as many mechanical problems and punctures as last year, or maybe we were just more prepared.  We didn't have the support of the villages that we had last year (they had a competition to see who was the most supportive with the prize being a whole heap of money) so a lot of people were just going about their daily business as we rolled through.  I was quite impressed with some of the Samoa locals improvement in bike riding - a couple of them blasted past me in the first half of the bike, although it doesn't seem like their running has improved as it didn't take long to catch them once the run began.
What was also impressive was some of the locals who were right up there in the swim - like on Graham O'Grady's feet for the whole 2km, not many people can stake claim to take.
Rodent on a bike
The run was pretty hot but the aid stations were well stocked with sponges and ice cups to keep us cool.  I started my run as Julia Grant (who was leading) came around to start her second lap.  We had a quick chat and she asked if I had punctured, I told her no that I was just slow which I found kind of funny but I think made her feel a bit awkward - sorry Julia!
Jared was having a tough time in the heat and I caught him after about 1500m (he was on his second lap). We had a bit of a chat and I assessed his mental state which seemed fine.  GOG was out already and Kezzle was walking with a medic and not looking to last so all Jared had to do was finish to be in the money.  I was feeling alright so trotted off and we crossed paths twice per lap which was made me feel better that I could see each time that he was ok, albeit very slow.  In the end he was only 4 minutes ahead of me at the finish.
Sarah Crowley put in an amazing last lap of the run to pass Julia for the win, she must have lifted her pace quite significantly because I was putting time into her at one point but she came storming past me when she had about 2km to go.
Times were pretty slow for the course, I think expediently as well - like the faster people were ~10mins slower than a normal half Ironman and slower people 20-30mins slower.  In some ways it would be better if it was a more random distance (ie.70km bike to eliminate having to ride laps through town) then it couldn't be compared to other half Ironman times.
Post race I was much better off than last year (when I had an undiagnosed femoral stress fracture and could barely walk but was trying to pretend I was ok), other than some sunburn and chaffing but sadly Jared wasn't keen on McDondalds so I had to settle for some fries and an iced chocolate at the hotel restaurant.

Prize giving was dinner and a speech by the Prime Minister (he said he had come to say hello and goodbye which is what he basically did) and some traditional Samoan dancing and throwing fire around.  The Samoan's don't seem to be big on dessert so we had to go to the restaurant down the road to get our fix of banana fritters and chocolate cake.
Meeting Miss Samoa.  Seriously.
The next morning our friends Claire and Malcolm just happened to be staying at our hotel so we met them for breakfast and in doing so assembled our Kona crew in it's entirety but in Samoa - how cool is that?!

So now we are back in the cold of NZ with the 30 degree heat of Samoa a distant memory.  A bit of a rest week first up and then I guess we need to start thinking about the NZ triathlon season which will be here before we know it.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

T minus one week....

So this time next week we will be sunning ourselves in (hopefully) sunny Samoa.  I have heard reports that there has been a bit of rain there recently which hopefully will be gone by the time we get there because I did not sign up for a race in Samoa to ride in the rain.  I have been warned not to ride through puddles because you don't know how deep the pothole underneath is...

Swimming has actually been going pretty well, I think it is because coach Haydn has mainly been replaced by coach Mitch which means that I am not being picked on and abused (being drawn on, having the back of my togs snapped and having my arse slapped - that actually sounds quite bad when I list it like that but it does happen...) and am mostly just able to blend into the lane and exist.  Or maybe it is because the dynamics of our lane has changed so it is a bit slower so I think I am swimming faster.  Who knows.  Tomorrow we will crank out the swim skins which haven't been touched since Kona (if I can find mine) in practice for next weekend.

Biking in winter sucks.  I have done some good workouts on the windtrainer but feel a bit lacking in long rides.  Last Sunday was a write off for riding so I spent 2 hours on the windtrainer which is good but I would rather have spent 3+ hours on the road.  The forecast for this weekend isn't looking too bad so hopefully we will get a decent ride in which will lift my confidence a bit because at this stage I am thinking that 90km next weekend is going to feel very very long...
I have started riding my TT bike after about 4 months on the road bike and have started to feel slightly paranoid about cars not seeing me when I have my front light on my bars because they are so low.  So I got a little Lezyne light which attaches to my helmet which I think looks super dorky but I am fairly confident that people can now see me.  And  maybe they will be extra well-behaved in daytime because it could be mistaken for a camera recording bad driving.

Running has been pretty steady, I made a gradual increase to 6 days a week total of about 55km per week which to a lot of people isn't much but it is quite a bit for me and all my bones still appear to be intact - yay. The tip of my big toe isn't particularly intact after getting a weird blister on it during my long run on Tuesday night but that's another story.
Someone call the Guiness Book of Records

I have become a runner covered in paraphernalia.  Shame.
We did a night trail run last week (two things I am terrible at - running off road and running in the dark) - it was part of a series and one just happened to be in our local running hood so we thought why not.  I borrowed a head lamp off my friend Lesbo and while it seemed to be quite bright when I did a couple of test laps around the inside of the house, it probably could have been a bit brighter.  But I didn't trip over any tree roots or get lost in the bush so it did the trick.  I ran at a sloth-like pace because I was so paranoid and nervous but did actually enjoy myself although I was quite pleased to get to the finish.  And to top it off I had my first non chicken sausage in about 15 years at the finish line, well half of it anyway before I passed it on to Jared to finish.  Tasted pretty similar to a chicken sausage if you ask me.

Hoover giving us her opinion on carpets

Fancy sunset

Caught in bed with another girl 

Our cat likes in hide in funny places

PC's approving of the new table

Auckland in the fog

Channeling our inner Frenchness