
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Big Jo Training Sept 10 - Sept 30


Swimming is actually going well for me - woo hoo! Well, mostly... We have been doing threshold 100 sets on a Wednesday and I am consistently holding times faster than I have ever been able to before, but ask me to sprint and I suck.  I go slower than what I can hold for 21x100's - what is with that?! It's like I try too hard and just end up thrashing around and go backwards.


The last couple of weeks (during my blogging hiatus) was around the 10hr mark for riding per week.  I managed to recover from the Deathly Illness and pulled myself together on the bike.  My IMNZ program from Coach Poo has begun which means a lot of efforts and suffering on the bike but will hopefully result in some super speedy half and Ironman bike splits.
It also means encountering muppets who latch onto me as I ride past them and make me want to beat my head against a wall.  Hopefully I will get so fast that the muppets can't keep up :)


Running is GOOD! I have been doing about 50km per week and doing some efforts during my long run which almost killed me last weekend but will hopefully make me stronger.  The O'Hagan's 5km hasn't been going so well but I am getting slightly faster but far off my former glory.  I keep getting beaten by about a 15 year old and then got beaten by my friend Claire last week which, while it was inevitable, it still hurt.

Lots of pics today just for you Nick.
Post training nom noms. I had to take a doggy bag

Birthday lunch for one

Birthday dessert with singing and eveything

Lots of cow poop on my bike after waiting for these people

What a healthy person eats for lunch

The reason why the run course for ITU AG Worlds was changed

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Big Jo Training Sept 3-Sept 9 and the Deathly Sickness


More fun and games at the Teps with 30x100m on Wednesday preluded by about a 2000m warm up.  The interval was better for me this week so I was able to hang with the Lane 3 kids without blowing my foofoo valve too majorly.  Although now that I cast my mind back to the fact that I was supposed to go for a run after swimming before work and had to postpone it till lunchtime because I was so wasted indicted that maybe I did blow my foofoo valve a bit.
But I came down with a very nasty tummy bug on Wednesday night which had probably been brewing during the day which could also have led to the wastedness.
I spent all of Wednesday night alternating between the toilet and bed and thought that I was dying.  By Friday I was more alive but not in any way up to swimming so it was just 2 swims for the week.
This Deathly Sickness which I had contracted ran rampant through our family starting with my one year old niece and spreading to my sister, father, step-father, Grandma and Jared.  I barely had any contact with my niece and dad who had it first - I was merely in the same room as them after they had been sick and I still managed to get it so it took no prisoners. 
We thought Jared had got away with it but he woke up on Sunday (which was his birthday) feeling rather average and spent the rest of the day feeling like death and excreting 2kg of his body weight.  Needless to say I felt as guilty as sin for ruining his birthday so spent the day at his beck and call (after going riding of course...) and performing tasks that only a true friend would do.


The Deathly Sickness ruined most of my riding week having only ridden on Tuesday and then attempting to ride in the weekend.
By Saturday I was feeling pretty normal for everyday tasks but didn't take into account the two days of almost zero food consumption and as a result was not really up to riding.  I got about 10 minutes into the ride before I started to think it was a bad idea but not wanting to be thought of as a wuss and abandon completely I stuck it out and took the biggest shortcuts I could find and rode at snails pace to the coffee shop.
Sunday was a bit better but still not the full 100 so I just rode up to Titirangi with Neilio and Claire and Neilio tried to take advantage of me in my vulnerable state.  I showed him though and I don't think that he will be trying that again.


Only two runnypoos for the week (well a lot more than that actually...) on Tuesday and Wednesday, I didn't even bother trying in the weekend.
Much to my horror I have become a person who runs with an iPod - not all the time but it is happening rather frequently.  My little iPod shuffle is of the generation where the controls are on the headphone cord which is fraught with faults and it's favourite trick is to turn the volume up when I am trying to turn to down and still turn it up when I try the opposite.  So maybe the magic iPod fairy will be delivering me a new iPod sometime soon.  I do draw the line at using an iPod when I running with someone else - there is nothing worse than seeing two people out running together both listening to iPod's! I would be rather offended if I turned up to run with someone and they were listening to an iPod.  J-Rad will often have his on our Saturday run but since he is normally on his own after 5-6km I guess it is acceptable - I'm just covering my arse here in case someone reading this sees us running together and he's listening to an iPod after I proclaim it is a pet hate because another pet hate are people who do the very thing that they bitch about!
Snug fit

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Big Jo Training 27 Aug - 2 Sept


I get the feeling that Haydn is trying to kill us on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings at the Teps.  We have started Big Wednesday's which involve a lot of swimming - 30 x 100's last week to be exact, after about an 1800m warm up of course... I'm finding myself in a tricky place by getting not enough rest in Lane 3 but getting too much rest in Lane 2 which is frustrating.  I think we will be getting a 5th lane for squad next week so hopefully Lane 2.5 will be perfect for me.
We finished the week off with 80x50m's - choice!


A little bit less on the bike due to some annoying sniffles/chest cough which is persisting so I made the bold move of taking an entire day off training so was down one bike and one run.  It seemed to do the trick with my sickness for a few days but I am sitting here now with a severely blocked nose so am having second thoughts.
I will hopefully be getting a bike/run program from Coach Poo in the next couple of weeks so am enjoying tootling around on my TT not paying too much attention to my power as I know the 6 months will be rather power focussed.
We did our usual Waitak/Devo Sunday ride and had our usual muppet who we passed as he was going at snail's pace then killed himself to hang. There always has to be one.
Why people, why?


Running is going well because I am running - yay!  I am getting up to 15-17km for my long Saturday run and doing about 35-40km per week.  I was keen to do a half marathon sometime in the next month or so but everything is so incredibly expensive these days - $50+ on average to do a half in Auckland - what a rip off!
I added up all the race fees for the races that I want to do and holy bejesus it adds up.  My work situation isn't so certain from November so don't think I should go entering races willy-nilly.
My friends
And speaking of races for this season, if anyone is interested in my schedule for this coming season it looks something like this:
Tinman Olympic Distance
Taupo Half Ironman
Auckland 70.3

I am facing my demons at IMNZ but will be having an incident free buildup for once so will be awesome (hopefully...).
A few Stroke and Strides (thanks to my 70% off season pass due to my age group win) and Kohi swims thrown in the mix too.