
Monday, February 28, 2011

140.6 Reasons to do an Ironman

Now that we have entered race week and nerves are starting to incy-wincy their way into our pre-race preparations, without getting too touchy-feely or anything I give you the words of Hurricane Bob to motive, inspire and generally give a bit of a rev up in anticipation of the day ahead.

So strap on your goggles, clip into those pedals, and stride it out, here is Bob's 140.6 reasons to do IRONMAN:

»001. Makes everything else seem so SHORT.
»002. The 3 week taper before the race.
»003. The 4 week recovery after the race.
»004. I've done one, so now I have to do it faster the next time.
»005. As much Pizza as you can eat.
»006. So that when the car runs out of gas, I can still get away from the Police under my own power.
»007. Beats watching the new Survivor, Big Brother, or anything else on TV.
»008. For all the times you heard someone say "I'd do one of those ... I just can't swim."
»009. The Finishing Oval at Lake Placid
»010. Steve King's accent at Ironman Canada
»011. Mike Reilly's hoarse voice still bringing people home at 11:30pm
»012. The Massage Tent - anywhere.
»013. St. Lynda is waiting for me at the finish.
»014. So is my mom...
»015. ...and so are Lynda's parents.
»016. Chalk on the road.
»017. Easy rides and runs the week before.
»018. Finishing your last workout and smiling because you know "I'm SO ready."
»019. For everyone who as ever asked you "Why?"
»020. For the teachers in school who told you you'd amount to nothing.
»021. To silence the one voice inside your head that still believes that bunk.
»022. You want to test the endurance limits of the music collection in your head.
»023. The "Bier Mile" at IM-Europe
»024. Spectators looking up your name and cheering as you plod past at sunset.
»025. Where else can someone ripping off your clothes in public be considered a benefit of a big race? (Wetsuit Strip)
»026. Miles in the Run
»027. Want to see the world and eat the food in each country, guilt free.
»028. So you can answer "One." When people ask "How many days does that take?"
»029. To wave at the scuba divers.
»030. To backstroke at the TV helicopter.
»031. Cards in your special needs bags.
»032. Cards in your T1 and T2 bags.
»034. CHICKEN SOUP AGAIN! (Yes - it's worth 2 by itself)
»035. The Adirondacks of Lake Placid.
»036. The view from Richter Pass.
»037. Alii' Drive
»038. Main Street Penticton.
»039. Driving the bike course in a caravan of friends.
»040. Valet Parking and Catering ... all day long.
»041. You might get on TV
»042. I want to laugh at the former cool (now fat) kids at my 20th High School Reunion.
»043. The Marines at the race formerly known as Ironman California
»044. Takes as long as having a baby, nearly as satisfying, only without the morning sickness and the 21 years of bills that follow.
»045. Flying with a bike case makes business trips seem EASY.
»046. Sharing a smile with people wearing the finishers T-shirt the next day.
»047. Knowing that as you step in the water on race day - YOU MADE IT THIS FAR! Now just get home.
»048. How many people can say they did anything for 12,13, 14, 15, 16...hours?
»049. The "Hot Corner" at IM-USA
»050. The wristband that somehow becomes your favorite fashion accessory.
»051. So that when you tell your grandchildren stories about what you did when you were young...yours will be true.
»052. Main Street Lake Placid
»053. High fives from people you don't know.
»054. The Sponge as a fashion statement
»055. Coke and Chicken soup - the ultimate power cocktail
»056. Knowing that after the gun goes off, you don't have to worry anymore.
»057. First Place and Last Place get the same amount of cheers.
»058. Walking to the start with Heather, Lothar, Thomas, Jurgen...
»059. Getting lapped by Heather, Lothar, Thomas, Jurgen...
»060. Getting lapped again on the run by Heather, Lothar, Thomas, Jurgen...
»061. Making the turn for home.
»062. Because MolybdenumMan doesn't trip off the tongue in quite the same way
»063. If Judy Molnar can, dammit, so can you.
»064. You might get to run with Alexandra Paul!
»065. High fiving Daryl Haley, and going backwards 5 feet.
»066. Sunset over Skaha Lake on the run.
»067. If Randy Caddell can do it with just his arms, you can certainly do it with your legs.
»068. Easier than Eco-Challenge.
»069. Got rejected from the astronaut corps.
»070. Got rejected by the Marines.
»071. Crashed out of the Blue Angels.
»072. Makes US Navy SEAL training seem like a good idea.
»073. You enjoy the smell of chlorine in the morning.
»074. You've had enough with your current social life.
»075. For the love of Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream!
»076. Your friends are watching on the web.
»077. You need to prove to your mom that even if you get on the bike right after you won't catch a cold.
»078. Helicopters over Kailua Bay.
»079. Roadies think you're nuts.
»080. Masters swimmers think you're nuts.
»081. Your running club KNOWS you're nuts.
»082. So that you can master the left-handed bottle grab (IMAus, IM-NZ).
»083. Morning swims
»084. 3 hour breakfasts after the morning swims
»085. The Underpants Run
»086. Laughing at people in the Underpants Run.
»087. The Hog's Breath Cafe Breakfast Special at IMC
»088. Glowsticks
»089. Cowman A-Moo-HA!
»090. Because Winston Churchill said I can't ever give up.
»091. The 12-step program to make me stop hasn't been invented yet.
»092. Any National Anthem, before the start, anywhere.
»093. Knowing that when you wake up at 4:00am, the next time you go to bed you will be VERY different person.
»094. 6 miles, 10 minutes - straight down to Keene.
»095. Yellow Lake done - 12 miles downhill to go.
»096. Because you've always wanted to see how many CD's and towels it would take to ride the whole IMC course on the CompuTrainer
»097. Makes your next marathon just a nice morning run.
»098. To make your Boss jealous because YOU have a life that doesn't involve the office.
»099. Because the longer you're out there, the less per hour it really costs!
»100. Being there is way better than watching on Pay-Per-View
»101. Finding yourself in the middle of your doubts ... finding a new meaning of being scared.
»102. Finding out that you're far stronger than those doubts a few miles later.
»103. Falling in step on the run and making a friend to the end, without having to say a word.
»104. A fried breakfast the day after.
»105. Watching people headed home while you're headed out, thinking "I'll be there soon ..." and they cheer for you.
»106. Understanding why that is as your cheering for people headed out when you're finally headed home.
»107. That feeling of ice cubes in your hat on a hot run never getting too cold.
»108. Telling folks with flat tires "It's a long day - hang in there!" and seeing them breathe and smile for a moment.
»109. Hearing people cheer you up while your changing a damn flat tire.
»110. Rolling into T2 knowing that no matter what - you can't have a flat sneaker from here on in.
»111. Having someone catch you, and hold you up when you can't do it anymore.
»112. Miles in the Bike.
»113. The IV's feel SO good the next day.
»114. To see if it really feels as good to do as it does to dream.
»115. To see if it really feels as good the second time.
»116. And a third...
»117. And a fourth...
»118. To try and finish in daylight.
»119. To try and finish before midnight.
»120. To try and NOT get stung by that (#*@! bee this time.
»121. Your kids already think you're a hero - prove them right.
»122. Your wife doesn't...but you might prove it to her, too.
»123. An M-Dot Tattoo would look swanky on your ankle.
»124. 5000 Volunteers - all for you.
»125. Hearing them say "You're almost there!" all day long.
»126. Being nearly almost there - for real.
»127. CHICKEN SOUP! (It's been awhile)
»128. Quiet hugs before the start.
»129. Kissing her goodbye, and promising "I'll be back later..."
»130. The first time you think "Holy crap - I'm doing an Ironman!"
»131. Beating back the voices that say "Holy crap - you can't do an Ironman!"
»132. Mile 26.
»133. That moment when you KNOW you're going to make it for the first time all day.
»134. Entering the oval.
»135. Running down Lakeshore Drive.
»136. Running down Alli Drive.
»137. The Finish Line
»138. The first step after you cross the line and think "Oh, My....God....!"
»139. The Medal
»139.6 Because they said I can't
»140.6 Because I say I can.

Big Jo training Feb 21 - Feb 27


Squad x 1
Non-squad x 2
Sea swim x 1

Well the week started off pretty excitingly with a serious wardrobe malfunction at the Parnell Baths.  I did my squad swim in my MuppetPoint3 suit as I do then jumped in the spa while I took it off.  I then stood there for a good 3-4minutes talking to MuppetMan before I felt something was amiss.  I put my hand on my butt and realized there was nothing covering it... What had started as a small gap in the stitching had escalated into a pair of full blown arse-less Speedos.  The whole seam from back to crotch had come undone and I was standing there exposing my rear to the world. I couldn't even cover myself up with both my hands because the gap was so big.  A guy who had been in the spa later told me that he was too embarrassed to tell me - thanks!!
Fortunately the pools flooded again the next day so we didn't go back that week, they may not of let me in anyway on the grounds of indecent exposure.
The rest of the week was pretty boring, the Kohi Swim was the usual washing machine but I beat my togs nemesis (yessssss) and came out with someone who normally is well ahead so lets hope I had a good swim and not the other way round.
This is how much skin I was showing. I kid you not.

Time: 13hrs35
Distance: 348km

Last big-ish ride this week of 4hrs.  Isn't it great when a 4hr ride doesn't seem very long? I think it is anyway.  Did a few little efforts during the week and standard pace Royport with Uncle Roy.  On Sunday we came across the Hot Cycles Bunch which used to be my standard Sunday ride in Pre-Ironman days.  The bunch is a bit more social these days but gets some pretty good numbers and still contains a few old friends from back in the day.  So we tootled along with them for the last part of the ride which was a nice way to finish off all the weeks of riding with only 2 or 3 of us.
Me and my guardian angel Neilio

Checking to make sure my butt is covered

OMG is that Marky Mark?!! Special guest appearance. See how happy J-Rad is to be riding with him


I wasn't planning on running at all this week but since all seemed to be ok I decided to give it a go after my long ride. I just headed out for 10mins and am happy to say all it was absolutely fine, no bone or hip flexor pain. Whew. Now I do realize I have to run a bit more than 10mins next weekend but at least it has given me the confidence that it won't be sore on the first step.  So fingers crossed for no hippy fidgey-widgeyness on Saturday.
Finished the week with a 70min pool run on Sunday, I'm glad Ironman isn't pool running because its fricken tiring. I was wasted and had very tired legs after my effort in the weekend so I will be looking forward to getting back on the road.
Pool running in action. People don't usually stay in the pool with me for long, I think I make them feel uncomfortable because they think I am crazy

Happy in my running. Hat is used to attach my ipod but it also adds to enigma of the weirdo running in the pool in her running shoes.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Big Jo Training Feb 14 - Feb 20


2 x squad
2 x sea swim

I am sad to report that I this week I didn't wake up and be able to swim faster.
Had a bit of a shocker at the Thursday swim but conditions were not favorable for Little Muppets but I managed to stick with my togs girl who has gotten away from me in the last few races which is good news. And I won a Future Dreams swim DVD which I will tuck into my bed with me and hope to learn to swim better via osmosis before the 5th of March.
A little crew of us went for a nice swim in the dark on Friday morning, dark tinted goggles was not really a smart choice but I somehow manged to swim straight towards most of the buoys without being able to see them.


Time: 14hrs14
Distance: 381km

Whoa!! It was a big one. And so it should be 2 weeks out from IM so I'm not sure why I was so surprised when I added it up.
Much better Sunday effort in the long ride department and was able to hold a decent power the whole way through. Saturday's ride was a bit different to normal and was a bit of a hold on for dear life scenario and I'm proud to say that I held on and even saw the front once or twice (well maybe only once...).
So I think most of the work for IMNZ is now done, next weeks ride won't be quite as long but not ready to slack off just yet.
Patching tubes on a Saturday night like a good little Ironman. In my undies.


Hmmmmm.  Despite my 99.9% certainty that my new hip pain was not bone related my medical team was not so convinced.  It was a bit head-in-the-sand like of me to think that pain in the same hip would be unrelated and as the days wore on the and the flexor/adductor pain wound down I was left with a familiar aching deep in my hip.
All is not lost though.  I did a 1hr45 pool run (I kid you not) as my last long run and will just saving my hip for the day and see how we go.  Last time it settled down pretty quickly week by week and this is only a slight niggle (still no hop pain) so another 2 weeks off and we should be right as rain.  I always knew it was risky lining up for Ironman so soon off the back of a stress fracture but IMNZ only happens once a year and I didn't want to have to wait.
But don't worry Mum, I won't do anything silly on race day. We don't want a repeat of Kona and the 4 months of no running so if it turns out to be a long walk home at least I gave it a go.

Murfy's new sleeping spot

Murfy and her friend PandaFace having a pow-wow

Women's action at Takapuna Tri

Elite men about to start

Exciting sprint finish for Bevan Docherty and Kris Gemmell

Monday, February 14, 2011

Big Jo training Feb 7 - Feb 13


Squad x 1
Non-squad x 2
Sea swim x 1


A bit of an improvement in the Kohi swim department this week thank god, managed to hang onto my buddy from GI Chezzle's feet for the return leg of the 2km swim. I was like her Siamese twin, even when she went a bit off track I followed her. I have been practicing my new super head-down technique with only a few collisions, almost had a collision with the end of the pool when there was no black line for me to follow.
Jared-Razzle making himself useful modeling the loud-hailer at the Kohi swim


Time: 12hrs28
Distance: 309km

Average week on the bike, took me a while to get going after the Big Weekend.  Longest ride was a bit over 5hrs not quite the same pace as last weekend but all saddle time is good.  No annoying boyfriends this week but there was a higher than usual amount of road-kill out east which wasn't very nice.
Recovery combo of champions


Time: 5hrs 10
Distance: 62km

Lets not forget that this week included the long run in Taupo plus the usual Saturday long run.  I started to encounter a hip flexion/adductor issue on my Saturday run, now I know what you are all thinking but it is NOT a stress fracture... But it does happen to be the same hip as my last problem. However I am 99.9% confident that it is muscular based on the fact that it hurts when I run uphill/upstairs but running downhill and hopping causes no pain at all. Its really not ideal timing but I am on to it so will back off the running next week and give it some TLC and hopefully it will be all good for the weekend. My poor little body is starting to feel a bit old but we will get there.

Murfy has found a new place to sleep

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Big Jo training Jan 31 - Feb 6


1 x squad
3 x sea/lake swim
1x pool swim


A bit of mix of swimming this week with Stroke and Stride and the Kohi Summer Swim. Stroke and Stride was a 750m swim and awful.  It was a long run from the beach which is not really my forte and then I just sucked for the rest of it.  I got beaten out by a few old ladies and people who are NEVER near me out of the water, it was terrible. I don't know what my problem was.  So I had quite a bit of work to do in the 4km but it wasn't long enough for me to get anywhere near the front part of the field. Shame.
And then I was almost just as sucky the next night at the Kohi race.
I got a couple of tips from Kezzle-Anne down in Taupo so am making a concerted effort to keep my head down and a few others things, and just generally praying for a miracle.


Time: 13hrs 29
Distance: 376km
Annoying boyfriends: 1

Big ride on the IMNZ course on Saturday. We did one full loop and then a 2/3 lap, and thank goodness that was all because the wind picked up on the way back and it got a bit gnarly.  There were heaps of people out on the bike course mostly by themselves but a few big bunches of tri-geeks on their TT bikes. I really don't understand the point of this if you are training for Ironman, our little group tootled along together for the first 20mins or so and then we settled into our Ironman pace, I'm sure I could have cruised along right up Kezzle's bum if I'd wanted to but that doesn't seem like very good Ironman training to me.  So all these little groups will think they are awesome because they rode the course in 5hrs and then will suck on race day because they have to ride by themselves. ARGH.  And then men who tried to draft off me on the course were even more annoying.
Rant over.
Anyways it was a good ride and I stuck to my power and tried all my gear out for the big day.  Now if someone could lend me a pair of 650c Powertap Zipps with Campag then I'll be all set...
A happy little pootle on the run course


Exciting news for the week is the use of my dear friend Lesbo's Garmin (from hereon referred to as Gayman) 110.  Makes running so much more exciting, not so good for my OCD though. It drives me mental if my average pace starts with a 5 so maybe I'll be leaving it at home for recovery jogs...  I did my long run for the week on the IMNZ course on Monday (technically for next weeks blog but I know you can't all wait that long...). I had set my pace and with the use of my trusty Gayman I was able to lock it in.  I did 25km, so managed a lap and a little bit of the course, a few issues with blisters/foot chaffage but otherwise it was all good. The rest of the week's running was pretty sedate apart from the 4km dash at Stroke and Stride.

Our quaint acommodation.  Looks like the final scene out of The Girl Who Played with Fire
Our quaint mode of travel thanks to our dear friend Neilio. Thanks Neilio :)
X5 stacked up. Cool people in the back.

Kezzle giving us something to look at in our swim the next day.
Followed by a serious game of putt-putt
Followed by some serious eating.

Compression time in the cyber-cafe. Is that a muffin-top I see?
Compression time in town, socks and jandals and all. I think Kezzle-Anne forgot to put on his pants
I completed the compression trio making a full range of compression leg-wear

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Big Jo training Jan 24 - Jan 30


Non-squad x 3
Sea swim x 1


So last week we couldn't swim at Parnell because there was not enough water, this week we couldn't swim because there was too much water!! The bad weather we had over the weekend caused heaps of flooding and took Parnell out for almost 5 days which is pretty bad for them (and for us of course...). So we ended up back at Youthtown but no canoodling couples this time thank god.
The sea swim was Haydn's Kohi swim series where I sunk to a new 2000m low. I am getting slower and slower, its really quite depressing.  It was pretty choppy on the way back though, I honestly felt like I was being tossed around in a washing machine.
Much rain causing Parnell floods and carnage to my swan plant

Time: 14hrs 00
Distance: 359km

Pretty solid week on the bike.  Did a repeat of the TDR course for my long ride (obviously quite a bit slower without my boyfriends to pull me though) plus riding home which gave me 5hrs15 on the bike.  We had a few obstacles on the coast along from Kaiaua though following the second round of bad weather two days before.  By the end of it RooRoo looked like it'd had a bout of diarrhea...
Where the road?
It was lucky that Tour de Ranges wasn't a week later otherwise I think it would have been canceled because the road was pretty bad.
Still managing to stay upright on the way home via Twilight


Time: 3hrs 20
Distance: ~40km

5 runs this week!!!! Got a little bit scared on the 3rd in a row so had to pull it back a bit but overall its been pretty good.  Did 1hr35 as my longest so I should be able to get 2-3 2hr+ runs in before IMNZ which will hopefully be enough. I wouldn't normally do much more than that with a perfect build up anyway.  I have swindled myself a Garmin 110 from my dear friend Lesbo to use up until Ironman so am pretty excited to see what the fuss is all about.
Got myself a new pair of shoes (adidas Supernova Sequence Jnr) which I promptly bled all over on the heel.  I think it was more related to tape I had to stop my cycling shoes from rubbing which then got in the way while running and caused a blister because the first couple of runs were fine.  I would like to wear my K-Swiss K-ona's more but they are just a bit wide in the forefoot for me and my forefoot moves around too much. Which is very sad because I do love them but I just don't think that we are destined to be together.


Big training weekend in Taupo next weekend with our boyfriend Kezzle-Anne. I can't imagine all the cuss and dirty words which will be coming out of my mouth after spending a whole weekend with him.

Check out the produce from my garden.